Speaker Details

Stefanie Abrahams

Co-founder and Director

Inclusion & Diversity Solutions

Stefanie Abrahams is the co-founder and Director of Inclusion & Diversity Solutions. She is a German-born, Australian-educated Inclusion & Diversity specialist with a double Master’s degree in International Communications and International Relations. Stefanie has over 13 years of experience across diverse organisations and consulting positions. Stefanie’s roles have spanned the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors, across different fields such as inclusion & diversity, cultural competence, research management, social development, organisational behaviour, investor relations and crisis communication. Stefanie combines facilitation, communication, project management and stakeholder liaison skills with an ability to critically analyse processes and identify areas for innovation. She has developed and facilitated tailored inclusion & diversity training sessions for staff at all organisational levels, including senior leadership, both face-to-face and online. She has conducted Diversity & Inclusion audits to assess the organisational maturity and has led the development of Diversity & Inclusion strategies for several organisations. Stefanie has worked in Asia, South America, Europe and Australia and speaks English, German and Spanish.

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